From what I believe... it would be possible to write a plug-in in Visual Basic... But.. probably not as easy as with C++, as the Plug-in SDK is for C++.
The other route would be to create your screen in visual basic, output it to a bitmap file, which LCDinfo then uses as a background. However, I'm not 100% if this will work, and won't cause problems, as you might be writing to the file as LCDinfo is trying to read it....
Anyone have any thoughts on that? I'm not sure how file handling is handled when programming, does windows have a means of managing file access that will prevent this problem? Am I worrying over nothing?
I know the above solution isn't a pretty one, it's rough, and it takes a brute force approach. But it gets the job done, and you don't rely on waiting for a Visual Basic Plug-in SDK, which I'm guessing might never come.