Gameboy Pocket LCD?
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Author:  kapone [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 16:32 ]
Post subject:  Gameboy Pocket LCD?

Hi found my old account to this place, and the same i found my box with old lcd displays.

After making 5 128x64 work witch had burned out circutis on the board, took me a while but i got some time spent.

Now i wonder if its possible to connect a gameboy pocket lcd screen with out any fancy expensive controller boards and sutch.

just found this after 2 minutes of googling-.- DOY ... meboy2.gif
To me it dosent say what i need just how i my eyes that is.

Allso i want to spend big on a lcd screen that ive been drooling for years, im talking about a Planar EL display. prefferly 320x240 but if the biger once aint that expensive for me then ill go for them, that is if some one has one for sale on the forum or maybe got nothing to do.

Peace and cheers from sweden =)

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