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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:02 

Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 22:20
Posts: 2
Hello and sorry if this is noob questions!I have bought a USB controller from Henri.The thing is im unsure where to connect the wires from the controller to the display.

Also its backlit,I have an inverter,But on the controller board i have a 4 pin connector with the lable backlight.Do i need to connect the display to this output or is it for another type of display?

Do i need knobs to adjust contrast and brightness or is that overkill?

It was alon time since i connected my old display so i consider myself as a noob

If someone could help me i would be very happy!Want it up and running asap

Pin-out Toshiba Display 640*200 pixels

* 1: GND
* 2: 50 Hz
* 4: Line
* 5: Data Shift (Pixel Strobe)
* 6: Logical Ground
* 7: Data 3
* 8: Data 2
* 9: Data 1
* 10: Data 0
* 11: Logical GND
* 12: +5V
* 13: -17 - 19V
* 14: -21V (Contrast)
* 15: GND

Controller board

1 FPFRAME First line marker
2 FPLINE Data latch
3 GND Ground (0V)
4 FPSHIFT Data shift
5 FPD0 Display data
6 FPD1 Display data
7 FPD2 Display data
8 FPD3 Display data
9 GND Ground (0V)
10 GND Ground (0V)
11 +5V Power supply (+5V)
12 +5V Power supply (+5V)
13 MOD Alternate (M / MOD / WF) (Note 1)
14 /DISPOFF Display On / Off (Note 1)
15 VEE Power supply for LCD drive
16 VADJ LCD contrast adjust voltage
17 +3.3V Power supply (+3.3V) (Note 1)
18 NC Not connected
19 +12V Power supply (+12V)
20 +12V Power supply (+12V)

As i said im unsure where to connect the pins to eachother


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 23:18 

Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2008 20:44
Posts: 16
Lets see what we got.

1,3,6,11,15 = to GND

4 = 2 FPLINE Data latch
5 = 4 FPSHIFT Data shift
7-10 = according Datapins on USB13700 (5-8)
12 = 11 +5V Power supply (+5V)
13 = 15 VEE Power supply for LCD drive
14 = 16 VADJ LCD contrast adjust voltage

I thin thats it. What about Pin2 (50Hz), i dunno.



Edit: Backlight might get connected to the 4-Pin-Header. (GND,12V i guess) It also might get connected external, thats up to you. :)

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