Splash screen while loading
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Author:  Henri [ Wed Dec 11, 2002 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Splash screen while loading

Samtech suggested that a splash screen could be shown on the lcd while loading LCDInfo.

samtech's drawing including a progress bar:
Please Wait :
LCDInfo is now loading
| - - - - - - - - |

This shouldn't be that hard to make either. Maybe even some animation etc.

Anyone see use for this or should I spend my time on some other feature ?

Author:  samtech [ Thu Dec 12, 2002 1:20 ]
Post subject: 

Well the only use for this is basicaly for us to have some sort of boot screnn on the LCD , of course this can be an image made by us , or a BMP , or an animated gif , also costumizable , off couse the mais interes for this feature is purely cosmétic , but i think many people will like this feature :D

I thinks it's basicaly a screen that only apears once , when LCD infor is started , and then it doesn't apears more.

Well in some way i discovered that this is already half done , to those who use LCDinfo try to disable screen0 , and put a costum image for it to load , when you start LCD info you will notice tha despite being dehactivated thea screen will apard with the defenitions you put on it for the time you specified , seams like now only missses to ad suport to animated gifs , and in this case seams i found an Usefull bug :lol: :lol: :lol:


Author:  Henri [ Thu Dec 12, 2002 14:51 ]
Post subject: 

samtech wrote:
Well in some way i discovered that this is already half done , to those who use LCDinfo try to disable screen0 , and put a costum image for it to load , when you start LCD info you will notice tha despite being dehactivated thea screen will apard with the defenitions you put on it for the time you specified , seams like now only missses to ad suport to animated gifs , and in this case seams i found an Usefull bug :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, no, no, it's not a bug. It was a carefully designed feature just for a situation like this.

Ok, just kidding. It's a bug but you have found a creative way to take advantage of it. Now I'll have to implement the boot screen before fixing this bug or else you'll be mad. :wink:

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