... phic%20Lcd
So the LCD I have is (Solomon LM6270SBF), this is the datasheet for that lcd. ... 270SBF.pdf
I am replacing this LCD for the solomon one I just bought. Both about the same only difference is the original one is LED Based and the new one I just bought is CCFL.
Which means I'll be needing an inverter to power up the ccfl display. I plan on using this inverter.
I can supply the +5v connection to the inverter using the ribbon cable connection to the display, which pin from the ribbon cable should I use, pin 3 or pin 21.
Also for wiring the inverter
I assume that I supply the +5v connection to (Input Pins) Pin 1 / V+ and for Pin 2 would be ground ? am I correct. To supply the ground to the input pin 2 which cable from the
ribbon should I use, pin 1 or pin 2 both state GND.
Also for the Output pins is that necessary to get the inverter working or is the female connector on the board the same thing without the need of soldering. If I would still need to use the output connectors would I need to connect Output Pin 1, 2, 3 to the CCFL LCD ? and if so where on the LCD would I need to solder the connections.