I have made some progress. It was the LCD that was the issue. I ordered a batch of the same LCDs from a different supplier which contained all of the components that were missing from my first LCD.
When I plug in the LCD, I now see random pixels light up. I am also able to turn on and off the LCD using the Display ON/OFF command, but nothing else seems to be working.
When I issue the Display Off command, the display goes mostly off.. it shows three lines across the LCD.
When I issue the Display ON command, all of the pixels on the display light up.
I am following the initialization example in the S1D13700 datasheet, and I see no mention of timing between commands. What sort of timing delay do I need between sending a command and sending a parameter? Also, there is a part in the initialization example that mentions clearing the first and second layers of data display, is this automatic, or do I need to issue a command?