I got an Optrex Display. I wired it and saw there are to possibilities. You call them the normal and the tweakers I think. Well, for the Voltages I took +5 and -12 from the ATX-PowerSupply. The Datasheet says 0 to -27Volts are ok, so i desired taking the -12V without any resistors. When first connecting the Power to the Display all pixels have been getting black, so I first was happy that it works. But then when I tried to use any tools, nothing changed. And it's still black.
Is it ok, that it is black when connecting the power, and what could be wrong. I also checked both wiring methods, and I don't think I did something wrong, but I'll now check it one more time
If anyone could help me
My config is WinME German and I also installed the portDrivers, but I'll now install Win98 SE.
So far and thx for your answers and sorry for the mistakes