Looking for info on Wintek gLCDs
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Author:  Iridium [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:50 ]
Post subject:  Looking for info on Wintek gLCDs

Hi All,

Does someone here know anything about these displays -> Wintek WM-G2412D (T6963C) or Wintek WM-G3224Y (NT7761 driver chip)?
I've 'googled', but have not found any infos. Mainly looking for hookup and spec sheets.
They are selling cheap and I was thinking of buying one if it was not junk.


Author:  Syridian [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:48 ]
Post subject: 

Have you asked the seller for a datasheet?

If however no-one can find the data sheet. It shouldn't be too hard to work out the pin out for the T6963C controlled one, as long as it's a chip and not a silicon wafer in a blob of epoxy.

Author:  Iridium [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:15 ]
Post subject: 

Ya, I thought the T6963C might be somewhat easy to figure out. I have never heard of the NT7761.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the seller has no data whatsoever on these displays :(

Thanks for the reply Syridian ! :D


Author:  coorz [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:02 ]
Post subject: 

I guess this should put you on the right track (with a multimeter 8) )
Some pix of the big one (PCB side) would be nice.

Author:  Henri [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:55 ]
Post subject: 

Those model numbers sound familiar. I remember seeing the displays sold and did have a quick look around for specs but wasn't able to find them.
But I remember the info I found for the bigger one was that the display was a 3.3v device so the controller board (yes you need a controller board) needs to output 3.3v I/O levels.

Author:  Iridium [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 0:15 ]
Post subject:  Coorz is our hero!

Well, I see coorz hit it on the head! I don't know how I missed that! :oops:
Went to the Wintek site earlier, but didn't see that page. Thanks coorz!
I wish had pics of the backsides of both.
On a side note: Coorz, your display artwork is awesome! I wish I had your talent. I'm still using an old version of LCDInfo as I haven't been able to understand XML in the new version. And the designer frequently crashes on me.


Author:  ignatz [ Mon Mar 14, 2005 21:11 ]
Post subject: 


I've got my hands on a LCD like the one Iridium talked about... the WM-G2412D Rev.3.

I've look at it, and it has one T6963C ic, three T6A39, two T6A40, one Winbond W2465S-70LLa nd finnaly a small BA10324AF.

At Wintek site, i could only found a WM-G2412E, but its the same size, and with the same backlight... altought i cant be shure its a different Model. The Only info i have available is the following:

"WM-G2412D Large Graphic Display Module with CCFL Backlight. Made by Wintek this large 3.67" x 6.59" graphic display module has 128 x 240 dots. Has built in T6963C controller and various other ICs for driving the display. Backlight tube is a 3.3"L white tube which requires an external high voltage to drive."

In Henri schematics page for the T6963C it says something about a -8v supply for contrast... but here is the Info about the wintek WM-G2412E:

+5V Power Supply
1/128 Duty Cycle
Dual Power Supply
Direct Lighting Type CCFL Backlight

Item Sym. Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit.
Supply Voltage for LOGIC VDD-VSS Ta=25 Deg.C 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
Supply Voltage for LCD VDD-V0 (VLCD) Ta=25 Deg.C ----- 19.0 ----- V
Supply Current for LOGIC *IDD VDD=5V ----- 15.0 25.0 mA
Operating Temperature TOP ----- -20 ----- +70 Deg.C
Storage Temperature TST ----- -30 ----- +80 Deg.C

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I've wire it like the schematic on T6963C Henri provide in the Homepage, but i cant get anything to show... any hints ?

:) are some pics of the LCD:








Author:  Henri [ Wed Mar 16, 2005 18:45 ]
Post subject: 

In the information you posted it says 19V typical for VLCD (VDD-V0) so with VDD of +5V it would mean about -12V to VLCD as the contrast voltage.

Author:  lodrazor [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:18 ]
Post subject: 

I just purchased exactly the same Wintek lcd, same model and revision number. I posted a post in the Hardware section with the pinout that I received with the lcd

I have not tried hooking it up yet, waiting on pin headers, etc for wiring. I do have a few questions, and I would appreciate ANY help from you guys. I bought a powertip from Mingingbollok a few months ago, but it was already wired, so this is my first wiring job. My BIGGEST question is how to get the neg. volts for Vo. The powertip I have just has a 10k pot hooked up, would that also be sufficient for this display??????

Iridium, if you want the pinout for your lcd, go to my post above. I have also emailed a regional sales manager in Calif. for the tech/spec info, he emailed me back and said he would email it to me tomorrow. When I get it, I will post it for you.

Author:  lodrazor [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 23:43 ]
Post subject: 

Iridium, I have a .pdf spec sheet for our LCD. It was sent to me from a regional sales manager for Wintek. It is not for the exact model we have, but he assures me it is VERY close, if not exact. If you want a copy, email me:

Author:  One~Zero [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:09 ]
Post subject: 

lodrazor wrote:
Iridium, I have a .pdf spec sheet for our LCD. It was sent to me from a regional sales manager for Wintek. It is not for the exact model we have, but he assures me it is VERY close, if not exact. If you want a copy, email me:

Is this data sheet for the WM-G3224Y (NT7761 driver chip)? If so, I would like to get a copy as well if possible. Thanks

Author:  coorz [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:37 ]
Post subject: 

One~Zero wrote:
lodrazor wrote:
Iridium, I have a .pdf spec sheet for our LCD. It was sent to me from a regional sales manager for Wintek. It is not for the exact model we have, but he assures me it is VERY close, if not exact. If you want a copy, email me:

Is this data sheet for the WM-G3224Y (NT7761 driver chip)? If so, I would like to get a copy as well if possible. Thanks

I have a Wintek MG3224Y-1NFWbV1.pdf sheet. Just holler.

Author:  One~Zero [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:12 ]
Post subject: 

Coorz....should have known :D
You got my email, so whenever you get a chance, please send on over. Thanks :wink:

:D BOX...BOX....BOX....better be there today!!! :D

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