hai thanks for ur response micheal,
but the actual promblem is my embedded system runs a OS so dumping data to lcd is not the only task that has to handled at a time,their are hardware interrupts like serial port interrupts, timer etc.,
My micprocessor doesnot have port pins and the lcds data pin d0 to d7 is connected to one port (byte access),
while the control lines like cs, rd , enable etc are connected to another port (byte access).
since the lcd moudle runs on lc7981( which does not contain auto write mode) i have to first pass the command word and then the data word.
for sending a single data, either be command or data the below routine must be followed expect for the change in the control value /data value
MOV AL,BL ;//data byte in bl register
MOV DX,DISPLAY_DATA ;//port address of the display data lines
OUT DX,AL ;//place the data on the data lines of the display
MOV DX,DISPLAY_CONTROL ;//control port address
OUT DX,AL ;//send control signals to latch the data
OUT DX,AL ;//reset the control reg port
this has to be carried out by the processor for the entire 3076=(192x128)/8 sets of data, including the cursor set , apart form creating cga display buffer, handling serial port interrupt
I want to reduce the load on the processor by taking the dumping of lcd information to lcd from the processor or atleast try to reduce the processors working time on lcd.
If nothing cant be done is there any lcd module (192x128) available in the market which could solve the problem.
sorry for the bad english that i have