Data sheet for a Noritake CU40026SCPB-T24A
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Author:  matt_tr [ Mon Nov 28, 2005 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Data sheet for a Noritake CU40026SCPB-T24A

I have one of these displays (and also a CU40026SCPB-T20A + its data sheet), if anyone has the data sheet for a CU40026SCPB-T24A I would really love to have it.

I have the T24A working via (3 wire) serial OK and the T20A working via parallel OK.

I know I need a TTL to RS232 cable to get the T20A working via (3 wire) serial (i'm looking into it)

I just want to know what each of the 20 pins are for on the T24A's IDC (the T20A only has 16 pins). Hey call me curious, i have no doubt that it's *similar* to the T20A pin spec and I have a hunch that it's just got an extra set of +5v and GND pins burried in there... but which ones.

I'll even love to look at a spec sheet that is a <some other model>-T24A.

VFDWorld doesn't have the pinouts either :(


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