Above post already has some help but maybe I could say something also.
CE to pin 14 on LPT
CD to pin 16 on LPT
RD to pin 17 on LPT
WR to pin 1 on LPT
DB0-DB7 to pins 2-9 on LPT
Some people need to connect a wire from the LPT ground (pins 18-25 if I remember correctly) to the display GND to get rid of garbage on the display.
For VCC use +5v.
FS and RESET pins go to +5v.
From the VEE pin you should get a negative voltage (maybe something like -20v) for the contrast. You should wire that through a potentiometer to the pins ADJ and CTRL somehow. But I'm not sure how. In my display I've only one contrast adjust pin and here's how I have it connected:
http://www.skippari.net/lcd/ks0108.html ( pin 18 is VEE, pin 3 is contrast adjustment pin )
Maybe the CTRL pin is just a shutdown pin or something like that and you can wire it to the ADJ pin like in the schematic found from the above link.
Do you have more information about this display ?
And then there's the PD (Power Down) pin still left. From the block diagram it seems that it goes to the T6963C controller so the T6963C datasheet might help finding out how it works. I can check it later.