Im totally new to this...
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Author:  P4R [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Im totally new to this...

So, I was reading about lcd displays built into your pc today, and I decided that I want to do it. I picked out an lcd, but i really have no clue what I am doing, how to knwo if I can even use this lcd, etc.

I am going to use (want to use) the LCD display out of my Sony Clie PEG-T615c. I opened up the pda and got the lcd screen out. On the back of the lcd bracket it says this: "SHARP - LQ030B7DB51 26014986"

it has the connecter strips (whatever they are called) and I still have all of the original pda parts (board, wires, etc)

So can I use this lcd? If so, what do I need, how much will it cost, and where can I find tutorials on how to wire it.

I still have the hotsync cradle (usb) and was wondering if I could use it to connect the lcd to my computer....

Thanks, and I hope you can help :)

Author:  Vector [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 17:10 ]
Post subject: 

i would suggest looking at the connections, if you can trace the connector back to the controller chip in the PDA, you might be able to determin what kind of interface the screen uses by reading the controller datasheet. This could help you establish a working interface

you could also just run a small application on the PDA which directly drives the screen, this would be a far cry from some of the low level stuff people do with PICs and basic stamps around here, but the end result could be practicly the same, and this would save you from having to reverse engineer some protocols and interfaces

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