I've recently acquired a 7" LCD from a Technosonic portable dvd player. I've stripped it down to its bare parts and what I'm left with is the LCD screen itself, with a pink and white wire coming out which is attached to a circuit board which proclaims that it's high voltage.
There's a black wire coming from that board which attaches to another circuit board which has printed on it 'APEX Digital Inc PD706X_DriverBOARD_966ld_V4.0' with the date 2006/05/23 printed underneath it. Both of these circuit boards were attached to the metal case that the LCD is surrounded in, (presumably to earth them).
The two small speakers were attached to the first board if it's any help. There's also a small brown flexible printed circuit coming out of the base of the screen which plugs into the second circuit board.
Coming out of the second circuit board are two small connectors that connected into the main circuit board which was housed in the main part of the dvd player case. The smallest of the connectors has 7 wires coming out of it.
Going from left to right they are:
1. Black
2. White
3. White
4. Red
5. Black
6. White
7. Black
The larger of the two connectors has approximately 12-16 wires coming out of it all VERY VERY thin which are all grey.
I'll upload some pictures of the board as soon as I'm able to.
EDIT: I'm modding it to the PC, but I'm stuck electronics-wise on how to actually connect it up. I need it to show windows and I need help to connect it without messing it up.