Hello and good morning, wonderful folk of the LCD forum.
I have a problem (don't we all?) connected with with my new 128x64 Mono LCD display with a KS0108 controller onboard.
The trouble is that the people who supplied it to me did so with a datasheet that is of marginally less use than a motorcycle ashtray. It has a nice picture of the product on it complete with a pinout. Booey.
What I really need to know is how to communicate with it. I've found a datasheet for KS0108 controllers and that didn't help much either.
The LCD unit is to be attached to a scratch-built Z80 computer, so I really just need to know what 8-bit data signal input results in what displayed output - the instruction set, in other words. I'm sure the answer is very simple and obvious, but both datasheet authors seem to assume I'd rather use a ouiji board or perhaps consult the magic 8 ball for the answers.
Does anyone have any useful info or advice?
Danke Schön,