Hey -- Anyone out there know of the company Three-Five Systems, and how to interf
ace with thier displays? I've got a few displays, w/ the number 5000316-02, REV A
on the ckt board, and 62673-00-00 on a sticker attached to the 20 pin ribbon cab
le.. It's a dot matrix display, about 2"x2.5", with an electroluminescent panel b
etween the ckt board and glass. There are 3 epoxy-covered chips on the back, appa
rently the decoder/drivers, and an LP324 quad op-amp. So far I've found what I be
lieve to be board gnd, VCC, and Opamp gnd on pins 1,2, and 3, open on pins 17&18,
and EL panel voltage on 19&20. The other 13 pins are either 12Mohm or 7.5Mohm to
board GND.. Probably the data lines, but I have no idea what they do... I wrote
to Three-Five but have not heard back yet.. Anybody have any ideas??? I'd love to
get this thing going... Thanks!! Rob Williams
hello,I just meet the same problem as you,I have got one same lcd board,I think the
3 epoxy-covered chips are
1 hd61203,and 2 hd61202,and I just guest the pins are:1:gnd,2:+5
3:-12,4:r/w,5:di,6:e,7:d0,8:d1.....14:d7,15:cs2,16:cs1.no reset pins. I tried in this way,but it
still dosen't work,maybe I'm wrong with the pins,have anyone got any datesheet now?
if you got it,would you like to send me one?my email:doctorial@163.com
I'm a student in China.thank you!