Toshiba TLC-711A-E0 Backlight possible??
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Author:  maklin [ Thu Jan 08, 2004 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Toshiba TLC-711A-E0 Backlight possible??

I have got this display and I don't know whether there is backlight installed or prepared. I know that you have a backlight in the TLX which can be used by installing a inverter at two solder tacks, but at my TLC the solder tracks have no connections to the rest of the LCD. I haven't found informations about TLC in the net. To cut a long story short, I want to know whether there is a shining foil installed or not. Please help me,

There might be some mistakes inside, please don't worry, I have not finished learning English jet.

Author:  DarkElf [ Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:51 ]
Post subject: 

if your lcd don't have backlight actually, then it's a reflective lcd, the chances you can put a backlight on it are very few: first you will "never" find a backlight that will fit.
second: you will have to get ride of the reflective sheet on the backside of the lcd.

Author:  maklin [ Fri Jan 09, 2004 14:28 ]
Post subject: 

So something like this Image is not useful and I must get along with no light... :cry: :cry: :cry:

The Website I found the pic and informations about it:

Author:  Deep Blue [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 18:33 ]
Post subject: 

Atleast the E0 in the TLX means there's an EL backlight. Without the E0 there's no backlight, so i do believe you do have it. How did you check that there's no connection to anything?

Author:  Henri [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 20:10 ]
Post subject: 

Can you take a photo of the display ? I have never seen TLC-711A but I have both TLX-711A and TLX-711A-E0 so it might be possible to see if you have the EL sheet from the picture.

Author:  maklin [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 22:29 ]
Post subject: 

I made some pictures with a camera, but they are not best. 1st you see my Display before my monitor:Image
Then you see it from behind: Image
The third picture shows it not in a housing:Image
This shows it from the top:Image
And last but really not least the connections for the light who are not connected to the LCD:Image
There are no conductive strips on the other side from the solder tack to the rest.

Author:  Deep Blue [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 23:05 ]
Post subject: 

Well i mine's exactly the same and if you look at the pictures at the TC6963c page in here, you'll notice it's the same kind of thing there. Like in those pictures i also have a sticker which says TLX-711A H8H, but if you look under the sticker it says TLC-711A-E0. This is supposed to have a EL-backlight, but i haven't got around to do anything to the display yet, cause my other hardware and software isn't ready and i don't have a chip to make the 110v AC for the backlight yet.

Author:  maklin [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 15:05 ]
Post subject: 

110 Volt isn't the problem, I've bought an inverter for 110V at Reichelt (

Perhaps you can't see the conductive strips from the pins for 110Volt, they are connected to other pins, but not to the display:

This is what I want to show you in the last picture:

° °''''''''''''0 0

Author:  Deep Blue [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 17:35 ]
Post subject: 

they are in an inner layer of the PCB

Author:  maklin [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 18:37 ]
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That sounds not easy, how would you do that?? :?:

Author:  Deep Blue [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 19:43 ]
Post subject: 

I meant that, if there's a backlight, which there should be, cause i have the same module and i'm supposed to have a backlight, then the 2 smaller points are connected to a inner layer of the PCB and from there connect to the EL-backlight. I can't remember the english word for the term.

Author:  Deep Blue [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 20:04 ]
Post subject: 

Well looking at the pictures on the net it seems that i do not have a backlight., bollocks, so neither do you, so just ignore my thoughts about the inner layer connections of the PCB.

Author:  Deep Blue [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 20:07 ]
Post subject: 

damn, i left this out: so in conclusion your module is plain TLC-711A-E0 = TLX-711A

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