Having found this forum, I remembered how much I enjoyed getting the character based LCD working and hunted around the work room for some old LCD's. Sure enough I found a few.
I'd be delighted if someone could offer any information on these, I have tried looking for data myself, but I'm not an expert in this field and have been unsucessful so far.
I'll try to provide as much info as possible for each screen.
Screen 1
This is from a telephone, of sorts, an Amstrad e-mailer phone. The screen is a very nice one, backlit and if I recall correctly, its 640x320 resolution. Inside the case is the glass, connected to two circuit panels. The top one has three unmarked chips. The left one has the cable connector with 14 pins and a chip labeled: LA6324N
It seems to be an Hitachi unit SP14H002-ZZA (rev C) and here's a picture:
Screen 2
Possibly a simpler screen this one, it's character based, 8x20. Chips on the back are M50530, M50521 and two M50524, there are 5 more smaller chips: TA 223 75324F, 74hc365, 74hc75, 74hc373, 74hc373. The screen has 12 buttons on the front also. IT's connector block is 20 pins
Screen 3
This is the BIG one! Taken from an old Alcatel office telephone console its about 10 inches wide! The connection to the screen is via a 14 pin cable. It's backlit with an inverter board and has the following chips: 8x M5299B, 3x M5298, SKA324D, LM358, 6565070 9511
This is a stunning display that I would love to utilise, here's the pic:
Any help on any of these screens would be appreciated. Even if it's along the lines of "That screen cannot ever be used with a PC" at least I can throw it away then!