AZ diplays graphic lcd with sanyo LC7981 wiring trouble
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Author:  Henrycault [ Sat Feb 28, 2004 17:42 ]
Post subject:  AZ diplays graphic lcd with sanyo LC7981 wiring trouble

Hi all

I got this display really cheap(about 15$ canadian) got the full datasheets with it. The problem is, i cant seem to find a wiring diagram that applies exactly to the datasheet specs. i tried some wiring methods but can only get the lcd to do flickering. It should be simple though since it doesnt need external electronics(voltage inverter is onboard). Any help would be appreciated.
Here's the pinout:
1 Vss ground
2 Vdd +5V
3 Vo contrast in
4 RS H: instruction code input L: data input
5 R/W H: data read L: data write
6 E Enable signal
7-14 DB0-DB7 Data bus line
15 CS chip enable L:active
16 Reset reset L:active
17 Negative voltage output
18 no connection
19 backlight v+
20 backlight gnd

Author:  Henri [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 0:20 ]
Post subject: 

For the voltages:
-Vss to ground
-Vdd to +5v
-10K-20K potentiometer between Vdd and Negative voltage output and the wiper of the potentiometer to Vo.

-reset to +5v
-DB0-DB7 to LPT port DB0-DB7 which are pins 2-9
-E, CS, RS, R/W to LPT port pins 1, 14, 16, 17

With LCDInfo you can decide yourself in which order to wire the E, CS, RS and R/W pins as you can set them in the driver configuration.

If it has a led backlight you might need a resistor for the backlight.

Author:  Henrycault [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:10 ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the infos, ill work on it as soon as i get my hands on my soldering iron.

Author:  Henrycault [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:41 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks a LOT!! It now works perfectly! But only with lcdinfo 0.6, any other software wont work with it. Ill wait now to have a fully working lcdinfo so that i can easily make some screens for it (this version doesn't have 240x64 graphics). Thanks again.

Author:  Henri [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 14:01 ]
Post subject: 

If you are looking for 240x64 background images you can find some from the old 0.3 LCDInfo package. Some examples here:

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