Problems with Ks0108B
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Author:  s80t0s465 [ Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Problems with Ks0108B


i'm new in this forum, and already asking u for help :lol:
I've a graphic LCD from crystalfontz with KS0108B controller.
Initially it worked really fine using ur LCDinfo0.32, but then i saw ur new 0.6 version so i decided to use it. Ok from that moment the lcd doesn't wanna show anything :(.
It's turned on, and the LPT port test works. What is???

Ah i also tryed to use the LCD on a laptop and it's working, so the problem is on my computer. Please help me, i don't know what to do

Bye stefano

Author:  Henri [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 11:46 ]
Post subject: 

Still not working ?

You could try the different LPT port modes in BIOS like SPP, ECP, EPP, ECP/EPP, etc...

I'm using ECP/EPP myself and all of those worked for me but I've had reports this isn't the case for everyone and only some of those modes work.

You have selected the correct driver on 0.6 and the correct wiring settings in the driver config dialog ?

Author:  s80t0s465 [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 17:50 ]
Post subject: 

At the moment i'm still using the 0.32 version, because the 0.6 doesn't wanna wotk. Most probably i make somthing of wrong. IU always obtain the Giu error

i'll try with the different LPT mode

bye ste

Author:  s80t0s465 [ Sun Mar 14, 2004 18:50 ]
Post subject: 

Ok resolved.

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