T6963C VLUK2048 graphical display, help needed
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Author:  robert [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 23:24 ]
Post subject:  T6963C VLUK2048 graphical display, help needed

I do have 5 pcs of graphical displays on my desk.
The maker, as far as I can see, is VL and the type is VLUK2048, the displays do have T6963C chipsets. There are 22 connections on the side and the physical dimensions of the display area is 170mm x 35mm.

Can some friendly sole help me in the search for a data sheet for this LCD ?

Best regards

Author:  Henri [ Sat Mar 27, 2004 23:42 ]
Post subject: 

Of those 22 connections 2 in the beginning or end are most likely for the backlight ( LED ? ) and the rest for the normal T6963C connections. To find out the pinout without datasheet you can check here for an example:

Maybe it could be this ?

Author:  robert [ Mon Mar 29, 2004 20:07 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you Henri
I have looked at the pdf file and done some measurements and it seems like its the same.

I do have some questions thou regarding the different pins. If you look into the pin layout you see that pin 5 = /WR and pin 6= /CE, does the / mean that a extra inverter is needed or why do they have a /symbol?

One extra question, does LCDinfo support 230x64 displays ? I have downloaded and is currently running 0.3.2 NT on my 128x64 KS0108B display and cant find any options for T6963C 230x64

Best regards

Author:  Henri [ Mon Mar 29, 2004 20:42 ]
Post subject: 

/ means that the signals are inverted but that is already handled in the software so there's no need for inverters.

T6963C driver in LCDInfo 0.6 has an option for custom resolutions. I don't know how well it will work but when you test it let me know. ;)

Author:  robert [ Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:43 ]
Post subject: 

Hi again
I have now connected the display as follows:
1 = 5
2 = 11
3 = 12
4 = 13
5 = 14
6 = 15
7 = 16
8 = 17
9 = 18
14 = 7
16 = 8
17 = 6

Also I have connected the following on the GFX-LCD:
Pin 1, FGND = 0 volt <-- not sure about this one
Pin 2, VSS = 0 volt
Pin 3, VDD = 5 volt
Pin 19, FS1 = 5/0 Volt <-- use a microswitch to alter between 5 and 0 volt, but what shall I use?
Pin 21, LED+ = 5 volt
Pin 22, LED- = 0 volt
Pin 10, RST = not connected since I do not know what to connect it to

I am now in need of help reagrding Pin 1, FGND since I am not sure how to connect this or if I shall connect it at all to 0 volt? Also need help about Pin 19, FS1 the font select pin and also Pin 10, RST, what voltage level shall I connect this to?

I have tried my connction as I described above but only get lines shown on the display. Backlight is ok and no blue smoke, yet ;)

Please help me to finish this LCD connection.

Best regards

Author:  Henri [ Sat Apr 10, 2004 19:42 ]
Post subject: 

You can connect FGND to normal GND (0 volt). It's not necessary though but I've always connected it. FGND is just connected to the display metal frame.

With FS1 you can select between 6x8 and 8x8 font. Don't remember which was which but you you can find it out by testing.

Connect RESET to +5V. GND = reset and +5V = normal operation

Author:  tobias_svensk [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 20:37 ]
Post subject: 

robert, does it work now? if so was it just the 5V+ to reset that was the problem?

I'm asking because I've just find the exact same LCD my self


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