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Author:  rudi Grobler [ Wed May 12, 2004 15:21 ]
Post subject:  USB/TFT


This might be far fetched but I want to try and control a flat panel display via USB or LPT. I had a look at the datasheet and it looks ok. From what I can see there is 4 control signals and anything from 4-24 data signals. I found a datatech lcd that has 4 databits and is 240x320.

Shift Clock - SHF CLK
First Line Marker - FLM (V SYS)
M Signal - M
Latch Pulse - LP (H SYS)

LP is also known as CL1
SFT CLK is also known as CL2

CL1 low->high->low indicated start of row
CL2 low->high->low indcate valid data on bus for column

Each frame is 76800 instructions so a frame will take veeeeeerrrryyy long on the lpt port!!! But the usb might do the trick. To start of you might only use d6-d7 d14-d15 d22-d23 and only have 6 colors to speed things up and use less data lines.

I dont know how fast pics are and how many instructions we can preform in a second? With a ok pic you might get a 1 frame per second?

! frame per second is more than enought for me, I want to drive a lcd via usb and show photos on it! I have six old lcds lying round and I want to use them! I want to build a photo frame for them and run it from my pc!!!!

Author:  Henri [ Wed May 12, 2004 23:19 ]
Post subject: 

I could have a look at the datasheet if possible.

The problem is that you need constant refresh and slow microcontrollers don't have enough speed for that.

I think more appropriate might be some CPLD or FPGA chip combined with SRAM chip. But cheaper might be to get some lcd controller chip that Epson for example has.

Author:  rudi Grobler [ Thu May 13, 2004 9:59 ]
Post subject: 

I have the datasheet as a paper copy, bussy trying to find it on the net... meenwhile, here is the datasheet of the displaytech on:

Please note that this is a STN B/W display so the 4 data bits is 4 pixels at one go and not like the colour lcds that has 24 bits per pixel but the rest looks very much the same. I will try to post the timming and specs ASAP

Author:  Henri [ Sat May 15, 2004 14:45 ]
Post subject: 

With B/W display things change a little and fast microcontroller might be an option. Then it would be just figuring out the timing and getting the microcontroller spitting out data respecting the timing.
If this display is driven as 320x240 display then SED1335 controller could be used instead. But if it's 240x320 then SED1335 doesn't support it.

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