At last I have some free time to connect the LCD. As mentioned I have used a Max680 to supply -Volt to Pin18 and it works well for the voltage supply
Problem arise after testing with the KS0108 test program. It seems the left part of 64x64 have some problems or it should be some problem with the reset. After intialize the screen is garbled. The first two lines of text is good but it shows garbled in lower lines but the last line is fine.....
For using the Vcc+ test program, the text screen is good with only the text and test will have a vertical line after at the center part of the screen.
For the graphics . All lines are good displayed except those lines displayed "text" and "test" is the first screen... I thought this maybe some problem with clear, initialize and timing .. am I right?... But I have no idea how to correct this problem.
Any input would be appreciated.