Ned help with LCD 16 row 21 col
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Author:  seniorlemuren [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 18:18 ]
Post subject:  Ned help with LCD 16 row 21 col

Hi. I am new member here. I am working building me a boat 12 by 4 meter steel. And I like to use som LCD:s to display engine parameters, ruddeindikation and more stuff on this displays. I intend tu use my pc with windows to send data to them. I could do some programming in Delphi.

I have take the LCD:s out from hand helded computers >SYMBOL PDT3500< It is 15 rows by 21 char. And I have measured out the connections between the kabel and the HD61202 inside the LCD.

The question is how to do it. Is there some drivers to use on the parallell port I can send data to it from Delphi? And how to connect?
PCB behind display
PCB back side.
connection diagram cable LCD

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