Programming a T6963C (Visual Basic)
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Author:  Henri [ Thu Feb 20, 2003 23:47 ]
Post subject: 

I believe that reading the data pixel at a time is the slowest part in that. At least it was in C++ Builder. Do you know if there is any way to get straight access to the data ?

Are you sure that there is a delay or if the writing is just so slow ?

Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 0:42 ]
Post subject: 

Is the writing that is slow.

At this time, the function reads the pixels from a picturebox, i think that this is the problem slow writing.

I will try to implement a function that reads bytes from an array, but I don't know how to "transform" the pixel in a byte. I hope you can help me.


Author:  Emil [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:55 ]
Post subject: 

Hi Marc

but I don't know how to "transform" the pixel in a byte. I hope you can help me

Sorry for my poor english, i'am German

I hope i can help you. Please check this

Public Function PixelToHex(cntrl As Control, xoff As Long, yoff As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long) As String

Dim B() As Byte
Dim hdc As Long
Dim xi As Long
Dim exp As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim cnt As Long
Dim pix As Long
Dim hx$
Dim hexx$

    ' die Breite, width, wird hier in Pixel angegeben, nicht in Byte.

    ReDim B(Width * Height)
    hdc = cntrl.hdc
    cnt = 0

    For Y = 0 To Height - 1
        For x = 0 To Width - 1 Step 8
            cnt = cnt + 1
            For xi = 0 To 7
                'pix = GetPixel(hdc, xoff + x + xi, yoff + y)
                pix = cntrl.Point(xoff + x + xi, yoff + Y)
                If pix = 0 Then
                    exp = 7 - xi
                    B(cnt) = B(cnt) Or 2 ^ exp
                End If
            Next xi
        Next x
    Next Y

   'Bis hierhin in Byte
   'Nun nach Hex Konvertieren
   For x = 1 To cnt
        hx$ = Hex$(B(x))
        If Len(hx$) = 1 Then
            hx$ = "0" + hx$
        End If
        hexx$ = hexx$ + hx$
    Next x
    PixelToHex = hexx$

End Function

I hope that is what you will

Run the code with fellow Function
Dim H$

    H$ = PixelToHex(Picture1, 0, 0, 240, 128)

You can translate it for your work! when you not will use "HEX"

Greetings Emil
PS: I hope you can help me out with your MODUL of T6963C

Author:  Emil Weiss [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:58 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:34 ]
Post subject: 

A lot of thanks Emil :D :D :D :D

This night i will try your code, and tomorrow i will post the results, thank you very much.

Bye !

Author:  Guest [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:00 ]
Post subject: 

Hi Marc

Marc wrote:
A lot of thanks Emil :D :D :D :D

This night i will try your code, and tomorrow i will post the results, thank you very much.

Bye !

Please can send me, when finished and it work that Modul from your project?

Greetings Emil

Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 13:29 ]
Post subject: 

Ok! When I have it, i will post it.

But what do you want ??? The function that you have send is in Visual Basic yet.

I don't understand what do you want, tell me it, and i will post it this night.


Author:  Guest [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 19:47 ]
Post subject: 

HI Marc

I'am working on a Prog in german.. for T6963C

Yes.. please send my the routines for VB with the *.bas Modul



Greetings Emil

Author:  Emil Weiss [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 19:52 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 20:38 ]
Post subject: 

Emil what module do you want ??

For Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic .NET ¿?

This night or tomorrow , i will send you the module ok ¿?

Nice screenshots, what do the project ¿? What make ¿?


Author:  Emil Weiss [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 21:50 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 22:09 ]
Post subject: 

Ok, but tell me, the module for Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic .NET ¿?!¿!?

Author:  Emil Weiss [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 22:27 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Miikka [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 22:38 ]
Post subject: 

Emil Weiss wrote:
Hi Marc

Please module for Visual Basic 6

verry poor my english Sorry..

Greetings Emil


Me too Visual Basic 6 module


Author:  Marc [ Fri Feb 21, 2003 22:46 ]
Post subject: 

Please what function you use to draw bytes (of pixels) ?¿?


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