What kind environment ? Are you still using a PIC16F877 ? Do you already have the bitmap stored somewhere ?
How big should the bitmap be ?
Uncompressed 240x128 bitmap takes 240/8*128 = 3840 bytes of memory so you can't fit many of those with PIC resources.
Then you just set the T6963C address pointer to the correct place in the screen buffer and depending of your settings you just write data bytes to the display and increase the address pointer. One byte is 6 or 8 bits depending of the setting of your T6963C controller.
So similarly as in this clear screen function except that you write some meaningful data bytes instead of those zeros in this one.
void ClearLCDGraph(void)
int i;
WriteData(G_BASE & 0xFF);
WriteData(G_BASE >> 8);
WriteCtrl(0x24); // address pointer to G_BASE
for (i=0;i<2731;i++){
WriteData(0); WriteCtrl(0xc0); // write data and inc ptr