Siemens M65 LCD (132x176) Atmega64 test. |
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Author: | MiliKilLer [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 18:38 ] |
Post subject: | Siemens M65 LCD (132x176) Atmega64 test. |
Hallo. I like colour display. I make rutines for controlling any colour display... on AVR atmega64 work with 22fps (complete buffered) 32Kb Ram. Now making on LPT - AVR convertor... Code: /*****************************************************
This program was produced by the CodeWizardAVR V1.24.8d Professional Automatic Program Generator © Copyright 1998-2006 Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l. Project : Version : Date : 2.6.2007 Author : MiliKiller Company : Milisoft Comments: Chip type : ATmega64 Program type : Application Clock frequency : 20,000000 MHz Memory model : Small External SRAM size : 64 Kb Data Stack size : 1024 *****************************************************/ #include <mega64.h> #include <delay.h> #include <math.h> #define DC PORTE.7 #define RESET PORTE.6 #define CS PORTE.5 #define SRX 132 #define SRY 176 #define OFFSETX SRX/2 // offset for screen wont change unless #define OFFSETY SRY/2 // i use different screen! so its kinda fixed #define OFFSETZ 32 unsigned char LCD_RAM[132][176]; unsigned char cursX = 0; unsigned char cursY = 0; unsigned char joy = 0; int i,vertex; // temp variable for loops float xt,yt,zt,x,y,z,sinax,cosax,sinay,cosay,sinaz,cosaz; // lots of work variables float xpos=0; // position for object in 3d space, in x float ypos=0; // y float zpos=0; // and z values float rotx=0; // starting amount of x rotation float roty=0; // starting amount of y rotation float rotz=0; // starting amount of z rotation int newx[64]; int newy[64]; const float aa[64] = {7.14178371429,8.39784812927,9.3311882019,9.90593624115,10.1000041962,9.90593624115,9.3311882019,8.39784812927,7.14178371429,5.61126422882,3.8651061058,1.97041475773,1.47197215483e-006,-1.97041165829,-3.86510229111,-5.61125946045,-7.14177846909,-8.3978433609,-9.33118247986,-9.90592861176,-10.0999956131,-9.90592479706,-9.33117485046,-8.39783191681,-7.14176464081,-5.61124324799,-3.8650841713,-1.97039234638,2.09770769288e-005,1.97043383121,3.86512422562,5.61128044128,7.14179754257,8.39785957336,9.3311958313,9.90594100952,10.1000041962,9.90593338013,9.33118247986,8.39784145355,7.14177894592,5.61126232147,3.86510896683,1.97042238712,1.41541995617e-005,-1.97039449215,-3.86508178711,-5.61123657227,-7.1417555809,-8.39782238007,-9.3311662674,-9.90592002869,-10.0999956131,-9.90593624115,-9.33119773865,-8.39786911011,-7.14181470871,-5.61130571365,-3.86515831947,-1.97047567368,-6.87620340614e-005,1.97034108639,3.86503243446,5.61119365692}; const float bb[64] = {7.14178419113,5.61126470566,3.86510801315,1.9704182148,6.30520207778e-006,-1.97040557861,-3.86509585381,-5.6112537384,-7.14177322388,-8.39783859253,-9.33117961884,-9.90592670441,-10.0999956131,-9.90592575073,-9.33117675781,-8.39783477783,-7.14176940918,-5.61124801636,-3.86508989334,-1.97039806843,1.52952252392e-005,1.97042834759,3.86511850357,5.61127567291,7.14179325104,8.39785575867,9.33119392395,9.90593910217,10.1000051498,9.90593338013,9.33118152618,8.39783763885,7.14177036285,5.61124849319,3.86508870125,1.9703963995,-1.71329884324e-005,-1.97042512894,-3.86511087418,-5.61126327515,-7.14177799225,-8.3978395462,-9.33117866516,-9.90592575073,-10.0999956131,-9.90592956543,-9.33118534088,-8.39785003662,-7.14179134369,-5.6112780571,-3.86512851715,-1.97044348717,-3.59154437319e-005,1.97037339211,3.86506223679,5.61122083664,7.14174365997,8.39781475067,9.33116340637,9.90592193604,10.1000051498,9.90595245361,9.33121967316,8.39789581299}; const float cc[64] = {-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,-10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815,10.1000003815}; const int ff[96] = 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Draw_cisla(unsigned char cislo,unsigned char x,unsigned char y) { unsigned char ix,iy; for(ix = 0; ix < 14; ix++) { for(iy = 0; iy < 12; iy++) { LCD_RAM [(char)(x+ix)][(char)(y+iy)] = cisla[cislo][ix][iy]; }; }; } void WRCMD(unsigned int output_data) { CS = 0; DC = 1; SPDR= (output_data >> 8); while ((SPSR & (1<<7))==0); delay_us(5); SPDR= (output_data & 0x00FF); while ((SPSR & (1<<7))==0); delay_us(5); CS = 1; } void WRDATA(unsigned int output_data) { CS = 0; DC = 0; SPDR= (output_data >> 8); while ((SPSR & (1<<7))==0); delay_us(3); SPDR= (output_data & 0x00FF); while ((SPSR & (1<<7))==0); delay_us(3); CS = 1; } void Draw_RAM(void) { unsigned char temp; unsigned char ix = 0; unsigned char iy = 0; WRCMD(0xEF90); WRCMD(0x0500); WRCMD(0x0600); WRCMD(0x0700); DC = 0; CS = 0; ix = 176; while ( ix != 0 ) { iy = 0; ix--; while ( iy < 132 ) { temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; temp = LCD_RAM [iy][ix]; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 231); LCD_RAM [iy][ix] = 255; #asm nop #endasm SPDR= (temp & 24); iy++; } }; while ((SPSR & (1<<7))==0); CS = 1; } void LCD_char(unsigned char data,unsigned char colour) { unsigned char index; data = data - 32; for(index = 0; index < 5; index++) { if ((FontLookup[data][index]&1)==1) { LCD_RAM [cursY][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&2)==2) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+1)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&4)==4) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+2)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&8)==8) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+3)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&16)==16) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+4)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&32)==32) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+5)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&64)==64) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+6)][cursX] = colour; } if ((FontLookup[data][index]&128)==128) { LCD_RAM [(char)(cursY+7)][cursX] = colour; } cursX++; }; cursX++; } void LCD_text (flash char *dataPtr ,unsigned char colour) { while ( *dataPtr ) { LCD_char(*dataPtr++ , colour); } } void LCD_line (int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,unsigned char colour ) { int dx, dy, stepx, stepy, fraction; if (x1 <= x2) { dx = x2 - x1; } else { dx = x1 - x2; dx = (dx) - (dx+dx); }; if (y1 <= y2) { dy = y2 - y1; } else { dy = y1 - y2; dy = (dy) - (dy+dy); }; if ( dy < 0 ) { dy = -dy; stepy = -1; } else { stepy = 1; } if ( dx < 0 ) { dx = -dx; stepx = -1; } else { stepx = 1; } dx <<= 1; dy <<= 1; if (x1<SRX & x1>=0 & y1<SRY & y1>=0) { LCD_RAM [x1][y1] = colour; }; if ( dx > dy ) { fraction = dy - (dx >> 1); while ( x1 != x2 ) { if ( fraction >= 0 ) { y1 += stepy; fraction -= dx; } x1 += stepx; fraction += dy; if (x1<SRX & x1>=0 & y1<SRY & y1>=0) { LCD_RAM [x1][y1] = colour; }; } } else { fraction = dx - (dy >> 1); while ( y1 != y2 ) { if ( fraction >= 0 ) { x1 += stepx; fraction -= dy; } y1 += stepy; fraction += dx; if (x1<SRX & x1>=0 & y1<SRY & y1>=0) { LCD_RAM [x1][y1] = colour; }; } } } void LCD_cislo(unsigned int data,unsigned char mista,unsigned char colour) { if (mista == 1) { LCD_char(data + 48,colour); }; if (mista == 2) { LCD_char(data / 10 + 48,colour); data = data % 10; LCD_char(data + 48,colour); }; if (mista == 3) { LCD_char(data / 100 + 48,colour); data = data % 100; LCD_char(data / 10 + 48,colour); data = data % 10; LCD_char(data + 48,colour); }; if (mista == 4) { LCD_char(data / 1000 + 48,colour); data = data % 1000; LCD_char(data / 100 + 48,colour); data = data % 100; LCD_char(data / 10 + 48,colour); data = data % 10; LCD_char(data + 48,colour); }; if (mista == 5) { LCD_char(data / 10000 + 48,colour); data = data % 10000; LCD_char(data / 1000 + 48,colour); data = data % 1000; LCD_char(data / 100 + 48,colour); data = data % 100; LCD_char(data / 10 + 48,colour); data = data % 10; LCD_char(data + 48,colour); }; } void BIG_LCD_cislo(unsigned int data,unsigned char mista) { if (mista == 1) { Draw_cisla(data,cursX,cursY); }; if (mista == 2) { Draw_cisla(data / 10 ,cursX,cursY); data = data % 10; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data,cursX,cursY); }; if (mista == 3) { Draw_cisla(data / 100,cursX,cursY); data = data % 100; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 10 ,cursX,cursY); data = data % 10; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data,cursX,cursY); }; if (mista == 4) { Draw_cisla(data / 1000,cursX,cursY); data = data % 1000; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 100,cursX,cursY); data = data % 100; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 10 ,cursX,cursY); data = data % 10; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data,cursX,cursY); }; if (mista == 5) { Draw_cisla(data / 10000,cursX,cursY); data = data % 10000; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 1000,cursX,cursY); data = data % 1000; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 100,cursX,cursY); data = data % 100; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data / 10 ,cursX,cursY); data = data % 10; cursY= cursY + 12; Draw_cisla(data,cursX,cursY); }; } void LCD_init(void) { RESET = 0; delay_ms(20); RESET = 1; WRCMD(0xFDFD); WRCMD(0xFDFD); WRCMD(0xEF00); WRCMD(0xEE04); WRCMD(0x1B04); WRCMD(0xFEFE); WRCMD(0xFEFE); WRCMD(0xEF90); WRCMD(0x4A04); WRCMD(0x7F3F); WRCMD(0xEE04); WRCMD(0x4306); delay_ms(5); WRCMD(0xEF90); WRCMD(0x0983); WRCMD(0x0800); WRCMD(0x0BAF); WRCMD(0x0A00); WRCMD(0x0500); WRCMD(0x0600); WRCMD(0x0700); WRCMD(0xEF00); WRCMD(0xEE0C); WRCMD(0xEF90); WRCMD(0x0080); WRCMD(0xEFB0); WRCMD(0x4902); WRCMD(0xEF00); WRCMD(0x7F01); WRCMD(0xE181); WRCMD(0xE202); WRCMD(0xE276); WRCMD(0xE183); WRCMD(0x8001); WRCMD(0xEF90); WRCMD(0x0500); WRCMD(0x0600); WRCMD(0x0700); } void read_joy(void) { joy = 0; PORTE.3 = 255; PORTE.4 = 0; #asm nop nop nop #endasm if (PINF&8) { joy = 4; }; if (PINF&4) { joy = 2; }; PORTE.3 = 0; PORTE.4 = 255; #asm nop nop nop #endasm if (PINF&8) { joy = 1; }; if (PINF&4) { joy = 3; }; } void Draw_info(unsigned char value,unsigned char x,unsigned char y) { unsigned char ix,iy; for(ix = 0; ix < 8; ix++) { for(iy = 0; iy < 76; iy++) { LCD_RAM [(char)(x+ix)][(char)(y+iy)] = info[value][ix][iy]; }; }; } void cube() // routine to draw and calc 3d cube { xpos=xpos+0.0; // move the object ypos=ypos+0.0; // it would wander off screen zpos=zpos+0.0; // really quick, so leave it centered rotx=rotx+0.00; // rotate the cube on X axis roty=roty+0.00; // and on its y axis rotz=rotz+0.00; // dont bother with z or it gets confusing sinax=sin(rotx); // precalculate the sin and cos values cosax=cos(rotx); // for the rotation as this saves a sinay=sin(roty); // little time when running as we cosay=cos(roty); // call sin and cos less often sinaz=sin(rotz); // they are slow routines cosaz=cos(rotz); // and we dont want slow! for (i=0; i<vert; i++) // translate 3d vertex position to 2d screen position { x=aa[i]; // get x for vertex i y=bb[i]; // get y for vertex i z=cc[i]; // get z for vertex i yt = y * cosax - z * sinax; // rotate around the x axis zt = y * sinax + z * cosax; // using the Y and Z for the rotation y = yt; z = zt; xt = x * cosay - z * sinay; // rotate around the Y axis zt = x * sinay + z * cosay; // using X and Z x = xt; z = zt; xt = x * cosaz - y * sinaz; // finaly rotate around the Z axis yt = x * sinaz + y * cosaz; // using X and Y x = xt; y = yt; x=x+xpos; // add the object position offset y=y+ypos; // for both x and y z=z+OFFSETZ-zpos; // as well as Z newx[i]=(x*64/z)+OFFSETX; // translate 3d to 2d coordinates for screen newy[i]=(y*64/z)+OFFSETY; // drawing so we can see the cube } for (i=0; i<edges; i++) // draw the lines that make up the object { vertex=ff[i]-1; // temp = start vertex for this line sx=newx[vertex]; // set line start x to vertex[i] x position sy=newy[vertex]; // set line start y to vertex[i] y position vertex=gg[i]-1; // temp = end vertex for this line ex=newx[vertex]; // set line end x to vertex[i+1] x position ey=newy[vertex]; // set line end y to vertex[i+1] y position LCD_line(sx,sy,ex,ey,0);// draw the line between these 2 vertex } } void main(void) { PORTB=0x00; DDRB=247; PORTE=0x00; DDRE=0xFF; PORTF=0x00; DDRF=192; PORTD=0x00; DDRD=0x00; // External SRAM page configuration: // - / 0000h - FFFFh // Lower page wait state(s): None // Upper page wait state(s): None MCUCR=0x80; XMCRA=0x00; // SPI initialization // SPI Type: Master // SPI Clock Rate: 2*4000,000 kHz // SPI Clock Phase: Cycle Half // SPI Clock Polarity: Low // SPI Data Order: MSB First SPCR=0x50; SPSR=0x01; LCD_init(); while (1) { read_joy(); rotx=rotx+0.02; roty=roty+0.04; rotz=rotz+0.06; if (joy == 4) { rotx=rotx+0.1; }; if (joy == 3) { rotx=rotx-0.1; }; if (joy == 2) { roty=roty+0.1; }; if (joy == 1) { roty=roty-0.1; }; cube(); cursX = 2; cursY = 2; LCD_text("176x220 LCD",224); cursX = 2; cursY = 10; LCD_text("ATmega64 @ 20MHz",224); cursX = 2; cursY = 18; LCD_text("64Kbyte Ram",224); Draw_info(joy,124,100); Draw_RAM(); }; } |
Author: | buze [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 21:40 ] |
Post subject: | |
Nice one Mili; did you find a datasheet for the screen ? Also, brave of you to hook up the external SRAM on a breadboard ! What SRAM model did you use ? |
Author: | MiliKilLer [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 22:23 ] |
Post subject: | |
Hi datasheet is non free...but i use this ... Index.html Ram is standard Static RAM a625308a its 32kb I use 2 module and flip CE pin for 64Kbit CPU is overclocked from 16mhz to 20mhz On 16mhz it work fine but 20mhz is faster and stabile.... 3 month without reset |
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