One~Zero wrote:
Copied everything to VLC directory (where VLC.exe is located) but don't see any output. Should I have VLC running to do this? I've tried it both ways, so just making sure.
VLC shouldn't be running (well I'm not sure if it matters or would it just open another instance). Just running the vlcstream from the command line / or some other way should be enough. If I don't remember wrong the vlcstream just uses the VLC library and not the actual vlc.exe GUI.
I'm not able to test right now but with these latest versions with the touch GUI and file browser it might not even be necessary to give a file as a parameter but just launch the vlcstream.exe and then use the GUI on the USBD480 display to browse the media file to play. I don't remember exactly how this worked so maybe I'm wrong.
Also, do I need to have the USBD480 plugin set as the output under video options? Having that seleced just closes VLC whenever I try to open a video file.
No, the USBD480 plugin for VLC is a completely different piece of software. You don't need it with vlcstream. I think some early version of the USBD480 plugin had some bug crashing VLC. Maybe the link doesn't point to the latest plugin version. Just guessing here.
One more question I would have for Henri is do you think haveing the display installed as a secondary monitor is affecting it at all?
If you have the secondary monitor output to the USB display enabled then the USB display is not available for the software here in the forum that uses direct access to the display. Just having the
"USBD480 Graphics Adapter" installed in the system without actual output to the USB display shouldn't prevent the other software working but of course just to be sure you could also uninstall it.
So the secondary monitor driver is an alternative way for using the display and isn't meant to be used simultaneously with software that directly accesses the display.
And to have more data for the OpenGL issue my setup that I have used for testing Michael's OpenGL demos is XP 32-bit, AMD64, ATI X1250. And all the demos and versions I have tested have worked. I see I have ATI video like Michael and sos has Nvidia. Don't know if that makes any difference.