I found this wonderful LCD in the trash pile (My searches indicate it was from an early Toshiba InFinia Computer system Circa 1997 When USB Was a big deal hence the USB Connector/Controller board) I searched more and it turns out it uses the T6963C Controller which is a common GLCD controller any way I found the Pinout on another forum and I wired it up via the parallel port and I am using with LCDInfo however LCD Info does not have an option of a 240 X 48 display so my question is there anyway to get it to work with LCD Info (I know the LCD Works as it displays stuff but it is off center due to the resolutions not matching)
The LCD Model is 5343STLDGYTN and it had a Green Backlight (Which I burned out the LEDS as I did not use a resistor (The wiring diagram did not mention that so I Changed the LEDS so it now has a white backlight and this time I used a resistor)
Here is a picture of the of the LCD working with LCD Studio (Wrong Resolution though so it displays wrong)
iring Toshiba 5343STLDGYTN T6963c 240x48 LCD (original wiring type)
LCD PIN -> Description -> LPT PIN
01 -> Data7 -> 9
02 -> Data6 -> 8
03 -> Data5 -> 7
04 -> Data4 -> 6
05 -> Data3 -> 5
06 -> Data2 -> 4
07 -> Data1 -> 3
08 -> Data0 -> 2
09 -> C/D -> 16
10 -> /RD Data Read -> 5 volt
11 -> /WR Data Write -> 1
12 -> /CE Chip Enable -> 14
13 -> /RESET -> 5 volt
14 -> Vcc -> 5 volt
15 -> Signal Ground -> Ground
16 -> BottomLED - -> Ground
17 -> CenterLED - -> Ground
18 -> TopLED - -> Ground
This module does not require any other power supply for normal contrast. Ther
Not in the diagram but you have to use a resistor on the - lead on the LEDS or else it gets the full 5.0VDC from the Logic Supply (I found out the hard way
anyway can I get this to work with LCD Studio with a proper 240 X 48 Resolution?