I recently purchased the above 240x128 lcd. I plan to purchase
http://www.allelectronics.com/cgi-bin/c ... type=store as my neg. volt generator for contrast (-14v). The LCD has a white ccfl cathode backlight. I have a copy of Spock's T6963c wiring diagram from the LCD Studio forum (yea yea yea, I know) and I can wire the lcd, but I have a few picky questions so as I dont blow up the lcd. Pinout is :
1-Frame Gnd
3-Vdd (+5v)
4-Vee (-14v)---- center wiper from pot/neg voltage
5-/WR (write enable, active low) ------------------- 16
6-/RD (read enable, active low) --------------------14
7-/CD (chip enable,clock,active low) ---------------1
8-C/D (command data) ------------------------------17
11-DB0 ------------------------------------------------2
12-DB1 ------------------------------------------------3
13-DB2 ------------------------------------------------4
14-DB3 ------------------------------------------------5
15-DB4 ------------------------------------------------6
16-DB5 ------------------------------------------------7
17-DB6 ------------------------------------------------8
18-DB7 ------------------------------------------------9
19-FS (Font select) --- high 5vts/low grd for the diff text sizes 8x8 and 6x8
20-RV(invert pixel, 0=normal 1=inverted)
1. If I dont want to put a reset switch on the LCD, what do I do with the wire from Pin 10?
2. The neg. volt generator, where do I put that? Between power connector and the 10kPot? Do I even have to have this?
3. The CCFL isnt labled +v and gnd. It has one wire from top, one from bottom and a 2 pin female connector. How do I know which one to wire +v and which one to wire gnd to?
4. Do I need any type of capicators or resistors?
5. My pinout above and Spocks t6963 diagram have different identifiers, and I need to know which identifiers on my pinout = the ones on Spocks.
If someone can please help me, I can do this. I am not an electrical expert, but I do have some electrical experience. I have a powertip 240x128 running now (thanks again Mingingbollock), but it was wired when I got it, so this will be my first wiring job and I dont want to blow it up. Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can give me.
1.You may need to be tied high/5vts, or low/grd, or nothing at all , you will have to guess
try nothing then grd.
2, output from neg voltage genny,in one leg of a 10k pot, center wiper going to lcd, 3rd leg of pot to grd, is what i would do.
3.CCFL polarity dont matter..
5. see above for PPort pinout
Your datasheet will let you know whats needed for the reset/ font /reverse image if you get it.
So are these the lcd i saw last wk for $22 ? hope you bought a box full mate they were a bargin.