- yes I use the same display as Ayreon so it works fine
LCDInfo is a great program, thanks for all the work you've done
- 128x128 6x8
- oh yes there could (should?) be more documentation
I'm trying to make my own screens at the moment and sometimes I really have to guess. I read the features-thread but it doesn't tell much about the NT Performance counters.
Maybe I'll sum my experiences up once I'm finished with my screens, so that it's easier for others
- I use 0.3.2
- right now I sometimes have the problem that after a while one of the information shown on my screen is additionally displayed in the first (0th) line. I use just one screen (pause) and when I change to another and back to the original it's correct again..
maybe the reason is that my first line is empty? did this ever happen to you?
Line1=" $date$ $time$"
Line2=" "
Line3=" Athlon $mbmmhz$ Mhz runs "
Line4=" $uptimed$ Days, $uptimeh$:$uptimem$:$uptimes$ "
Line5=" "
Line6=" $memavphys$/$memtotphys$KB "
Line7=" $diskfree(c:\)$/ $disksize(c:\)$MB "
Line8=" "
Line9=" $mbmtemp(0)$ $mbmtemp(1)$ $mbmtemp(2)$ "
Line10=" $mbmfan(0)$ rpm "
Line12=" Lan - $localip$ "
Line13=" $pdh_netoutpersec$ "
Line14=" $pdh_netinpersec$ "