In the
screens directory resides a file named
screens.xml. You can put there the screens you want to see in LCDInfo.
Example of screens.xml:
Explanation for the screen file itself is below:
First thing you can put in the file is the screen name:
Then you can put there some
action which will change to another screen.
This will change to next screen after 5 seconds:
This will change to a screen named "System" after 2 seconds.
You can also omit the delay parameter but then the action will be executed immediately.
Items that can be currently placed on the screen and their options are
textx and y: position in character coordinates
scrolltype: none, left
textpos: left, right, center
fieldsize: size of the field reserved for the text
textdata: text itself
refresh: how often item is refreshed (ms)
plugintextx and y: position in character coordinates
scrolltype: none, left
textpos: left, right, center
fieldsize: size of the field reserved for the text
varid: identification string of the variable
refresh: how often item is refreshed (ms)
imagex and y: position in pixel coordinates
imagebitmap: bitmap filename
refresh: how often item is refreshed (ms)
pluginimagex and y: position in pixel coordinates
imageid: identification string of the image
refresh: how often item is refreshed (ms)
animationx and y: position in pixel coordinates
framebitmap: filename of a frame bitmap
refresh: how often item is refreshed (ms)
<item type="text" x="0" y="5">
<item type="plugintext" x="14" y="7">
<item type="image" x="0" y="0">
<item type="image" x="47" y="24">
<item type="image" x="119" y="10">
<item type="pluginimage" x="50" y="8">
<item type="animation" x="95" y="0">