ADMIN EDIT: Tähän threadiin on napattu suomenkieliset viestit täältä, joten mahdolliset outoudet voi johtua siitä.
void WaitDisplayReady(void)
// reads the display status byte and checks
// that the display is ready before writing
// doesn't have any check in case the status byte
// can't be read so this situation may cause a lockup
int Tmp;
Tmp = DlPortReadPortUshort(BASE + 0x402);
Tmp = Tmp & 0x1F;
Tmp = Tmp | 0x20;
DlPortWritePortUshort(BASE + 0x402, Tmp);
DlPortWritePortUshort(BASE + 2, 0x20 + 4 + 2); //In, CD=1, CS=0, Wr=1
DlPortWritePortUshort(BASE + 2, 0x20 + 4 + 2 + 8); //In, CD=1, CS=0, Wr=1, Rd=0
Tmp = DlPortReadPortUshort(BASE);
DlPortWritePortUshort(BASE + 2, 0x20 + 4 + 2); //In, CD=1, CS=0, Wr=1
}while ((Tmp & 3) != 3 );
DlPortWritePortUshort(BASE + 2, 0);
Onko kukaan kääntäny tuota VB:lle?
while ((Tmp & 3) != 3 );
tuon jos sais käännettyä..