i have an new 240x128 Lcd but i dont know, how to connect it with the Printer port.
(Electronik Assempl Ea W240-7 KHLW)
http://www.electronic-assembly.de/deu/p ... w240-7.pdf
Can anybody help me please!?!?!
The LCD has:
2 VDD (+5V)
3 VADJ (Operating voltage for LC driving)
4 C/D (L:Data input h: command input)
5 RD (L: Data Read)
6 WR (L: Data Write)
7..14 Data Bus
15 CE (Enable sinal (falling edge)
16 RST L: Reset
17 VO (output voltage for driving) (it mußt connet to 3, with poti)
18 MD2 (Texmde L:40 cdumms H: 32 columms
19 FS (font selct L: 8x8 Font+Graphic H: 6x8 font
20 NC (do not connet)
Please help me and sorry for my bad english.
PS: my email: