Hi there,
i need some help with my display. I have tried everything that got in my mind and what I found in this forum, but i can't get it to work.
The name of the display is MGL(S) 240128T. It has a T6963C Controller.
I wired it up like this:
Here is the Datasheet:
The order of the Pins on the Display is a bit different comparing to the schematic, but the names are the same, so it should work going by the names.
Except of Vlc, instead of that one I have a pin calles V0, but according to the datasheet, thats the pin where the voltage for the LCD Driving shall be inserted. I don't have Vee, so I think the Display doesn't have an onboard DC/DC Conterter.
So the negative Voltage comes from an inverter i bought here in Germany at Conrad. I have measured the voltages, and they all seem to be ok.
I have played around with the setting of my LPT, but whatever I do and whatever software I use, nothing ist display on the LCD.
If i put the reset pin to GND, then a line of one pixel height is displayed on the Display, as long as reset is at GND. Is that normal?
But up to now, this line is the only thing I've seen on the display so far, can anyone give me a hint of what i could try?
Thanks a lot!