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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 9:41 
I just got myself a TLX-711A and now i was searching for some stuff to use with it.
May i ask why you set the Pin you identified as FS0 to high if the smaller font would be setting it low and why do you say it's to change the the character size from low=8x8 to high=6x8 if it can by the specs only change between high=5x8 and low=6x8 if FS1 is high or high=7x8 and low=8x8 if FS1 is low

tell me what i misunderstood or who of us is wrong plz

tnx n greetz
:twisted: madGEORGE

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 16:28 

Joined: Sun May 05, 2002 22:05
Posts: 2063
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
Georg wrote:
I just got myself a TLX-711A and now i was searching for some stuff to use with it.
May i ask why you set the Pin you identified as FS0 to high if the smaller font would be setting it low and why do you say it's to change the the character size from low=8x8 to high=6x8 if it can by the specs only change between high=5x8 and low=6x8 if FS1 is high or high=7x8 and low=8x8 if FS1 is low

Pin 19 in the TLX-711A header is the FS1 pin on the T6963C chip and FS0 is always low and isn't meant to be changed. TLX-711A also has a pull-up resistor in the FS1 pin so if you leave it not connected it chooses the 6x8 font.


Could you please let me know where I've said the pin to be FS0 so that I can correct the mistake ?

I haven't found the TLX-711A datasheet anywhere from net but I have a paper version in my hands just at the moment. Maybe I could scan it someday when I have access to a scanner.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 9:46 
i do have the data sheet of the t6963 and you were right :) i just rang throug the contacts fast and :oops: counted wrong so it is really FS1

so you say there is an internal pull up resistor ... may be true i just got the datasheet of the t6963 not of the tlx-711a but i don't really get why you set it to high if you say in your description for 8x8 it needs to be set to low? (i took that from your schems page)

did you do the programs and schems on your own? because i can t really figure out why you use specificly autofeed, select-in, init and strobe on the parallel port or was it just randomly picked? :wink:

 Post subject: -7,8V
PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 13:34 
is there any other way to get the -7,8V for the contrast or can i leave it for testing purpose?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 20:32 

Joined: Sun May 05, 2002 22:05
Posts: 2063
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
Anonymous wrote:
i do have the data sheet of the t6963 and you were right :) i just rang throug the contacts fast and :oops: counted wrong so it is really FS1

No problem :wink:


so you say there is an internal pull up resistor ... may be true i just got the datasheet of the t6963 not of the tlx-711a but i don't really get why you set it to high if you say in your description for 8x8 it needs to be set to low? (i took that from your schems page)

Well I've set it to high (6x8 font) because I wan't to use the 6x8 pixel font. :)
Was there something I didn't understand in your question ? :?

did you do the programs and schems on your own? because i can t really figure out why you use specificly autofeed, select-in, init and strobe on the parallel port or was it just randomly picked? :wink:

I've done LCDInfo and the test programs myself but the t6963c schematic is from someone else. I don't know who has done it. There are couple different shematics that are mainly used for these displays.

 Post subject: Re: -7,8V
PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 20:38 

Joined: Sun May 05, 2002 22:05
Posts: 2063
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
xF-K!ll4 wrote:
is there any other way to get the -7,8V for the contrast or can i leave it for testing purpose?

There are many ways to get -8v. One way is to get -12v from ATX psu and use a potentiometer to adjust it.

You need the -8v contrast voltage to get anything to the screen.

 Post subject: TNX
PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 0:56 
great idea with the minus 12 i didnt know it uses the same ground as...wait....leads me to another question shall i use the ground of the parallel port or the ground from the power line? (i assume you used the internal power kabels ?)

 Post subject: Re: TNX
PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 15:52 

Joined: Sun May 05, 2002 22:05
Posts: 2063
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
K!ll4 wrote:
great idea with the minus 12 i didnt know it uses the same ground as...wait....leads me to another question shall i use the ground of the parallel port or the ground from the power line? (i assume you used the internal power kabels ?)

You should use the power line ground. But you should also connect the parallel port ground to the display ground. Without that there may be some problems with the parallel port signals (garbage etc.).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 17:14 
then what s the internal resistance of the display so i can find out what poti to use?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 19:00 

Joined: Sun May 05, 2002 22:05
Posts: 2063
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
Anonymous wrote:
then what s the internal resistance of the display so i can find out what poti to use?

I don't know about the internal resistance but I guess 10kohm pot should be fine. That's what I've been using with several different displays. Or maybe you could try 20kohm.

 Post subject: iiieeehk
PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 1:28 
while messin around i forgot to put in any and i attached it to minus 12v we ll see if it s still alive...well i bout it for 2€ so i could live with the loss :)

 Post subject: Re: iiieeehk
PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 10:24 
Anonymous wrote:
while messin around i forgot to put in any and i attached it to minus 12v we ll see if it s still alive...well i bout it for 2€ so i could live with the loss :)

Is the display still alive ?

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