Thanks for the Links
The one i'm using uses 3 voltage regulators and some capacitors , it has been designed by me to powerup the lcd externaly , it uses an 2 x 24v 3VA Tranformer to get the midle point has ground , then after the rectifier circuitr contitued by a rectifier bride ,two 1000 uF (one for eache chanel), 2 100 nF capacitor's rigt after the 1000uF , then comes the voltage regulators for 5 v (7805) , and the voltage regulators for -20 (7920) and the -8 (7908) right next come two more 10 uf cacpcitors , betwen the Vin and Vout if The ic's there is also an diode to prevent short's ans inverse curent's , it's also a very cheap and functional power suply , i've already head of those chips , but due to my display need of -20 volt i've made one off these , all componentts are easy to find and very cheap (about 8 € including the circuit board)
As soon i have the schematic done i'll post it here in eagle format