This seems like a neat place for i2c interfaces ...
But i would prob just buy an Atmel Atmegaxx kit if i were you
and u know how to program such a beast ...
It does I2C and SPI in hardware , has RS-232 for PC-Comms.
Btw: Atmel calls I2C for TWI (Two Wire Interface) , as Phillips owns the name I2C.
Free AVR-GCC C compiler Win-AVR
Great forum
Cheap boards here
The missing Mega8 Chip is like US $3
The missing Mega chips are around US $5..8
I just interfaced a KISS-DP330 DVD-Player VFD interface with a PT-6311 controller on it , using an Atmel Mega8 , and later on using a Mega32.
The Kiss has a nice look , and the "WAF" was high
Now i'm wating for VIA to release their nano-itx boards , as such one fits in the Kiss Box.