Here I'm going to explain what all the settings in the ini files mean and how you can edit them.
LCDInfo doesn't have any fancy graphical screen editor yet so you have to edit the configuration files by hand at the moment. You can use Notepad or your favorite text editor to modify them.
Beginning from LCDInfo version 0.3 the screen configuration files can be found from
LCDInfo\screens\ directory. The example files are named like
240x64_t6963c.ini, etc. Filenames aren't fixed in any way and you can rename them and make your own ones. Setting file currently used can be changed in the
Screens section of
LCDInfo_Config program.
From the top of the file you can find a section called
[Info]. It has a setting called
Description where you can give some information of your design.
This section is optional and not all configs have it.
Description=Screen config for 240x64 T6963C display
Next in the file are sections for each screen
[Screen1], etc. Maximum number of screens is 10 currently but it has been raised to 20 in the latest development versions. Every screen has a setting
Enable which determines if the screen is shown (0 - off / 1 - on).
Interval setting defines how long the screen is shown (ms). 1000 = 1 second.
Bitmap is the background picture.
After that are the
Icon settings.
Image icon: Icon0=images\cpu9x7.bmp(174,49)
Icon0=path\filename.bmp(x position,y position)
Predefined changing icon:Icon0=winampstatus(10,36)
Icon0=iconname(x position,y position)
winampstatus and
winampchannels are available.
Maximum number of icons is 15 per screen.
Text shown on the display is configured with the
Line1,... lines. Text can be freely written to these lines and variables with dollar signs as delimiters can be put between text. For example
$mbmtemp(1)$ is Motherboard Monitor's sensor number 1.
List of variables available can be found from this page:
Line1=" : $mbmtemp(1)$ c"
Line2=" : $mbmtemp(2)$ c"
Line5=" : $mbmvolt(0)$V +12V : $mbmvolt(4)$V"
Line6=" : $mbmvolt(2)$V + 5V : $mbmvolt(3)$V"
There are still more settings but this should get you started. Let me know if this is helpful and I can write something about rest of the settings too. Some feedback of what settings I should describe would be nice. Also I can try to describe some settings above more carefully if needed.